Notes on Cancer ICIM. April 2022
*These notes are an anonymous donation, and may not be accurate. They are not meant to be claims or medical education, but may provide inspiration to look further into a topic.
Cancer is modifiable!
To displace heavy metals use Selenium methionine at 400mcg for six months
Tony Jimenez MD. Hope For Cancer
Patient must examine his entire way of life, air, fluid, emotions, sound, light, vocation, memory patterns, dreams and visions and goals. Better he understands himself the better the outcome.
Cancer is a process, not a thing to eliminate.
Program in Cancun or Tijuana- 3 weeks care then go home & monitor weekly for 3 months.
14 biological mechanisms, 4 physical, conventional vs functional thinking
7 pillars of cancer therapy= Emotional and spiritual health. Non-toxic cancer therapies. Restore micro biome. Immune modulation. Oxygenation. Detoxification. And full spectrum nutrition
Phenotypic plasticity, ability to alter phenotype, tumor microbiome.
Primary cause of cancer is emotional stress. His new book covers this. Emotional correlation is significant. Hope For Cancer: 7 Principles to Remove Fear and Empower Your Healing Journey.
Polymorphic microbiomes. Dental oral and parasitic part of this cause. Go to a biological dentist to address this
Cell went rouge becomes a cancer cell.
Biopsies can spread cancer as the cells will continue to divide when sliced into.
Don’t need a biopsy to treat a patient. We are treating w 14 hallmark bio markers of cancer either way. Doesn’t matter what kind of cancer.
Treat the person w cancer, not the type of cancer, Just like Covid, Treat the person not the virus
How do we make your cells happy. Improve the terrain. Clean it.
When labs increase inflammatory markers it can be a good thing as it means there is a response to the therapy, no response is alarming.
Live a life of detoxification. Every day when u wake ask what can I do to detox. Biggest source of toxins is social media. When u wake say a prayer and be thankful. Blessings we are alive. What can we do better today. Oxygenation via walk, breathing exercise and greens consumed We all produce cancer cells daily so do something everyday to keep them at bay.
Light therapy works. Light Medicine of the future by Jacob Lieberman OD, phd. Book he likes. Infared light. What wavelength. 810 nanometers. $1500 helmet. Same wavelength as what Harvard uses. It attacks cancer cells
Sound therapy. Sound travels further than light. Sono-photo dynamic therapy Kills cancer cells via apoptosis and necrosis without harming healthy cells. Also stabilizes the tumors nutritional supply by disrupting angiogenesis. 75% water in the body. We can get into deeper organs w sound. Cancer cells have a chaotic blood supply. Sound is Antimicrobrial therapy also. Cavitation effect has a physical effect. He uses shock wave therapy on the tumor. Induces apoptosis.
Infared Sauna Hyperthermia. Allows NKcells to recognize the receptors more effectively. Macrophages are so important as they are in every tissue of the body. The policeman in the police station. Cancer suppresses macrophage activation and keeps the police in the station. Hyperthermia allows for the macrophage to activate. Hyperthermia allows for immune cells to migrate thru the dense tissue of cancer. Sauna boosts innate immunity and tumor antigen expression and adaptive immunity with T cell migration to secondary lymphoid tissue and inhibits cell proliferation. Infared sauna removes heavy metals, carcinogens, helps kill cancer and other abnormal cells, heat improves circulation decongesting internal organs, relaxes the body which helps the body heal, kills fungi, parasites and viruses, oxygenates tissue
-Helixor Mistletoe, is the brand he uses. Patients feel better. He uses on every patient.
45% of patients are breast cancer at his clinic
99% of your stem cells are healthy and 1% are cancer. Chemo can kill the healthy stem cells. 1% of cancer stem cells survive chemo and can spread. They convert from epithelial stem cells to mesenchymal stem cells and can circulate to form a tumor.
Ellagic acid (pomegranate), egcg, metformin, Vit c also kills circulation cancer stem cells. Also, hyperthermia, pemp (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) and sonar therapy.
Garden eating. Turkey tail mushrooms, minerals, propolis, greens supplement
Gonzalas foundation selected 7 physicians to be ambassadors of the method and he is one. Detox, nutrition and metabolic type, supplement via enzymes play a key roll.
Toxins nudge healthy cells to turn into cancer.
Tumor cell debri stimulate cancer to spread.
Infared Sauna activate parasympathetic for balance.
Ozone therapy. He uses it rectally and hyperbaric O2
Gregory Plotnikoff MD. Fat soluble insights.
Below EDR in America. Vit A 34%, Vit d 70% etc
The placenta is absolutely covered w Vit D receptors. Calcitriol (activated Vit D) 0.5mcg has good research on cancer shrinking
Vit K suppression of cancer via cell cycle arrest, cell differentiation, apoptosis, autophagy
Vit A deficiency. 50 people in last year in his practice who eat well and have insufficient Vit A.
Measles acute response in emergency med is high Vit A
Vit A signals to cells to go back to normal.
600 carotenoids produced by plants. Meat and dairy have preformed retinols
Genetic variations chop apart carotenoids.
Acutain is activated Vit A. You will see it being used for cancer soon
Retinol conversion requires riboflavin, niacin and zinc
Beta carotene conversion efficacy. Only 3% are actually absorbed. 27-45% of volunteers had poor conversion. 267S+379V snp had a 57% reduction in beta carotene conversion.
Serum or plasma conc. Do not reflect exact status of Vit A.
Needs more research to recommend high doses for breast cancer. Some snps made more invasive and other snps make less invasive.
Vit a and D can compete for absorption just like zinc and copper compete
It is reasonable to split the doses in the day. How much is too much Vit A?
Vit D. If BMI <30 needed 2500iu/day to have levels at 20. If BMI >30 than 4500 to get the same level.
Liver failure reported in kids throughout Covid at 30,000iu in Vit A taken for two years
Vit D deficiency can be seen w rough skin at elbows in non-older people
Brownstein. Iodine
15 mg is cancer dose. Opopyotic properties. Cell cycle arrest,
Iodine deficiency can cause cysts and cancer can be the end of that road
Breasts are second most abundant iodine storage site next to thyroid
Fibrocystic breast disease Can be a precursor to breast cancer. 70% clinical improvement w 31-48mg
Salt helps get rid of the bromide and chloride that gets displaced from the iodine.
Iodine changes tissue from a pathological state to a normal state
T4 hormone increased breast cancer risk substantially. It went up 2 fold the longer they were on T4 meds. The use of t4 hormones in the presence of deficiency will exacerbate an iodine deficient condition. Low TSH is not a problem when u give iodine. TSH can go up for 3-6 months as it needs iodine to convert over and it will normalize after 3-6 months. Don’t be alarmed.
Iodine has declined over 50% in last ten years
Cancer study at his office. Bromide levels were much higher in breast cancer group.
40% more iodine in noncancer patients in the study.
How much salt? Salt can help bind up bromide. 1 tsp a day
Oral iodine is adequate & you don’t have to apply topical iodine to vaginal tissue for dysplasia.
TPO antibodies can lower w iodine. If they raise take more salt for a few weeks and discontinue iodine to push out the halides then go back to the iodine.
How to Starve Cancer. Jane McLelland
Berberine. Inhibits tumors, alleviates inflammation,
Pancreatic enzymes between meals to break up the fibrin
Go for a walk within 20 minutes after eating to pull the glucose into the muscle cells so it is not available to cancer cells.
Brain cancer and Berberine. 99% kill.
Breast cancer uses MMP-1 -inhibitor Xanthohumol blocks it (hops formulas)
Jesse Stoff MD. Risk mitigation and monitoring of cancer w recovery
All risk factors for cancer are modifiable
Know where to look and what buttons to push
Applied nutrition is really applied biochemistry
Mag involved in over 600 pathways. Make sure they have HCl & digestive enzymes
JAMA paper organic food is associated w reduced risk of cancer Dec 1 2018
Many toxins in city water are fat soluble and absorb thru your skin-use a filter in shower or bath
Birth control pills increase breast, cervical and liver cancer
Estrogen receptor beta. (Siberian Rhubarb, EGCG, Curcumin, Flax, Soy, Luteolin, I3C, Lycopene, Quercetin, Resveratrol) Beneficial to stimulate this receptor which blocks estrogenic effects. The beta receptor acts as an oncosuppressor. Cancers June 2020
Stress. Capacity to adapt has been exceeded. Stress hormones can alter the behavior of some neutrophils, potentially causing dormant cancer cells to reawaken
Sleep is number one way of combating stress.
Doctors data urine for heavy metals test. Also Great Plains Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile
Arsenic in chicken feed so can get arsenic from chicken
Epstein bar identified as oncogenes in 1956. Can trigger a long list of cancers
The worst the infection the lower the antibodies will be. Opposite of What u think
genetics no long the major risk of cancer, now toxins outweigh
GenPath is his favorite for cancer markers in labs
MTHFR is a known risk factor for all cancers. If they have cancer it becomes a balancing act. Not giving too much B vitamin as you can feed the cancer
If a symmetrical pattern of immune suppression on labs usually a heavy metal and toxin causing it.
NK cells are among the most sensitive to cortisol and stress
You can modify all of these risks and help prevent cancer.
Uses 25gr Vit c to chelate and 2 grams timed release tid for tissue saturation Rechecks at 6 weeks for heavy metal.
Favorite herbs for keeping cancer survivors clear. Green tea, turmeric and black cumin seed oil drizzled each day.
Jeff Kotulski DO. After Cancer Care
Enhance cell communication, slow or arrest cancer cell division
What is the cause of cancer? Inflammation, infection, oxidative stress, emotional stress, lifestyle choices. A tilt toward nurturing is how we get better.
Hallmarks of cancer. Self sufficiency in uncontrolled growth signals, insensitivity to anti growth signals, infection due to pathogens, emotional stress.
With herbs we are promoting healing and w drugs we are blocking pathways
Curable cancers, prostate, thyroid, testicular, early breast, myeloma , cervical, Hodgkins lymphoma
Bio transformation, micro biome, GMO and assoc farm practices, atrazine, glyphosate, look out the window and see if the birds fly or die
Nutrient density of soil is 30-50% diminished over the last 50 years
All about correcting the micro biome. Wheat, atrazine decreases testosterone 10fold in male frogs, linked to transgender belt in Midwest, environmental endocrine disruption is linked to hormone cancers, hospitals are doing sex changes on teens all along the Mississippi River
Journal of Science March 2017 says cancer is Bad Luck. no one wants to be held responsible.
Healthy eating, 5-11 servings of veggies
Glyphosate depletes selenium. New product used in farms last year combined Atrazine w Glyphosate. Both strong endocrine disrupters.
BIA: phase angle below 5, high fat%, poor cellular water balance are markers for cancer
Maintain healthy weight w lipoic acid, Zinc &EFA
Chemo and antioxidants: Antioxidants improved outcomes, B9 and B12 reduced toxicity, EGCG enhanced 5-FU chemo drug and targets the cancer stem cells, also curcumin, sulphoraphane, resveratrol and Genistein target cancer stem cells
Radiation: Vit A, C & E enhanced body weight loss. Give 3 days before and 11 days after
Sauna. Amazing what moving fluids in and out of the body can do. Detox. More saunas
EGCG targets stem cells of colon cancer, survival is 50% better when used
200mcg selenium, Vit E 800iu and iodine 3-50mg helps the DNA after a PET scan to prevent radiation and minimize DNA damage
NLR is nutraphil to lymphocyte ratio on blood test simple test to see if the person will be ok or not. Neutrophils/lymphocytes times 3. Greater then 1.88 is a risk factor
Recurrent causes of cancer: low nutrients, high acid, oxygen, abnormal stress, toxins
Cancer survivor rate increased to 50% if you: have a strong belief system, detoxify daily, live organically, use digestive enzymes. Sherry Rogers M.D.
-Zinc copper ratio paramount to keeping cancer at bay in survivors. He uses higher zinc to keep it healthy. Zinc deficiency depresses both innate and adaptive immune system, disrupts mast cell, Tcell and basophil responses, alters cell signaling. To lower copper also consider NAC 2-4gr/ ALA (alpha lipoid acid) 500-1000mg, Taurine 500-1000mg or MSM 500-2000mg
10gr IV Vit C w stage 4 cancer showed 300 day longer lives, Mayo Clinic oral Vit C study no difference
Dentist. Dr Rick Nitzema. A Dds in Grand Rapids Michigan
Peridental disease is inflammatory and micro biome issue. How microbes go systemic
Fn microbe connected to colorectal cancer. 17% increased risk if periodontal disease
Pgaa pathogen part of pancreatic cancer, Alzheimer’s
Periodontal disease is 1 in 2 and cancer is 1 in 2 in America
Test for salivary diagnostics. MicrobeLinkDX is the lab, they test for 11 species. PCR test. Also HR5 is a lab collects saliva. HR5 is from Direct Diagnostics.
Now the treatment for this is to scrape the teeth of bacteria. Inadequate to just deep clean. AA and PG bugs cannot be removed from deep periodontal cavities
Biofilms cannot be treated w antibiotics
Treatment is prescription Perio Tray w 1.7% hydrogen peroxide gel. 10-15 minutes of contact is very effective. The foam pressure gets down into the pocket deeper. Creating a tiny hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Use trays twice a day initially and once after. Use it in the shower so you can spit out hydrogen peroxide if dribble
Longer on a CPap, more likely you could die the first night you are not on the cpap as it makes weak muscles.
Arden Anderson DO Kansas City
Glyphosate agriculture
Organic farms are out-producing conventional yield
Glyphosate- mechanism is chelation, oxidation and endocrine disruption.
Real mode of action is they chelate key minerals in pathways they interfere with. How you counter that is replace the minerals. Extra manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, copper, selenium
Roundup is causing. -ADHD, IQ, neurological disease/motor skill, cancer
He has seen a 6yo go into puberty. In 1850 average age of menarche was 17
75% of science research is bought in the NIH w predetermined outcomes. Find the other 25%
Bayer will no longer sell Roundup as of 2023 following the costly litigation regarding cancer.
Atrazine organophosphate and roundup are chelators as mechanism causing mineral depletion
Endocrine disruption=Roundup and Atrazine. Gender dysphoria 1 in 100 births. 90% of intersex babies are assigned as female. 4% of the population may be intersex. Endocrine disrupters a big part of the issue. God didn’t make us spray these poisons, Man did!
68 super-weeds are resistant to roundup now. Nature will adapt.
Europe allows lower power levels-5G and amounts of herbicides than us. What do they understand that we do not?
1997. Pesticides use in US have gone up tenfold since WWII, total crop losses in America due to insect damage went up from 7% to 13%
The shikimate pathway does not kill the weed, it weekends the immune system. Glyphosate is rapidly transported through the roots into the soil where it kills the protective microbiome of the plant and soil allowing the pathogenic microbes, especially the pathogenic fungi to proliferate subsequently invading the weed and killing it. It is the disruption of the microbiome that is most important in the weed killing
Glyphosate targets the glutamine synthase pathway via chelation of minerals needed for the pathway
Also glyphosate is an antibiotic. Knocks down the beneficial so the pathogens can take off.
Mainly manganese is chelated. It can even oxidize the manganese which is worthless to us. It promotes the organisms that oxidize your trace minerals. Manganese is a cofactor for enzymes for bone and connective tissue health, blood clotting factors and sex hormones. Also glucose and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, synthesis of urea, cofactor in super oxide dismutase enzymes for evasion of staph.
Roundup works by:It weakens the immune system of the plant so pathogens can kill the plant
It interferes w the Krebs cycle trace minerals mg, calcium, iron, copper, zinc- LOOSING OR INACTIVATED the minerals.
Paper: Glyphosate residues in a 1/4 of organic foods. All conventional contains it.
IQ score.. organic food had a higher IQ levels and working memory in kids
Moms pesticides gestationally and ADHD. 90% of pregnant women has glyphosate present, maternal urine samples above median detection rate corresponded with 98% increase in odds of their children having ADHD scores in the 90th percentile. When u have a chelating agent In the food, babies won’t have as many minerals available for growTh and development.
Parkinson’s and ALS. Organophosphate related to it.
All glyphosate and ATZ disrupt the micro biome. Disease starts in the gut. Most pesticides disrupt the gut micro biome which is the start for most inflammatory conditions, including cancer
Seralini researcher showed GMO and roundup causing rat tumors- in the round up/GMO corn trail- all female rats in the treated group died 2 to 3 times more than controls and more rapidly. Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5 to 5.5 times higher. Males presented four times more large palpable tumors then controls which occurred up to 600 days earlier -76% kidney related
Mice will leave GMO corn alone when non gmo corn is offered
Brazil does not protect workers when glyphosate is applied. Last 15 years showed significant increase in birth defects and cancer in the Brazilian workers community
450 fold dilution of what is sprayed in fields caused cytotoxic & genotoxic effects
In lower conc. Glyphosate lowered Testosterone by 35%.
Grassweed issues w agriculture is a calcium issue in the soil, spider mites say ph & microbiome of the soil off
Krebs cycle support- Mag and choline, manganese and copper, b vitamins, zn & iron
Fats of animals are inflamed by storing the fat soluble pesticides.
Chem trails…. Another toxin in the air we have to compensate for w nutrition.
Animals are bioAccumulators
Micro plastics are now found in human blood.
Sauna helps move it out and nutrients to release it to be able to sweat it out.
Hormones after Cancer. Devaki Lindsay Berkson, DC
Her Books: Hormone Deception and Safe Hormones, Smart Women
Why would nature make sex steroid hormones, that rule Homo sapiens; pro carcinogenic?
Women on estrogen have a 30-50% decrease in Alzheimer’s from womens health study, 10 years on ERT reduce rates of AD by 30-50%, T tamps down APOE4
Estrogen reduces sarcopenia, protects cognition, mood, muscle mass, eye/brain caretaking
Estrogen is not driving cancer in healthy breast tissue nor in existing cancer
It turns out the Womens Health Initiative study did not ask if the control women used estrogen at any time in their history. This negated the estrogen risk In the study. 23% decrease risk for breast cancer if using estrogen. These effects lasted for 20 years. Now the Re -analysis says there was a statistical fiasco that estrogen protects breast from cancer and lessens fatality if you get cancer- no news outlet ran that study
Ireland, UK, Iceland, Scotland etc give menopausal women free estrogen because socialized countries understand that they won’t exhaust the medical system later
ERT does not contribute to cancer. mD Anderson study confirmed in post breast cancer 319 patients study, Beaumont 2002 study concurred, multiple studies show this
Followed for 12.8 years and no cancer in survivors when on estrogen. 600 women
Testosterone: 2008 national cancer institute study. Worldwide data on endogenous hormones and prostate cancer risk were not associated with the risk of prostate cancer
If a man is on T and gets prostate cancer it is less severe. T has benefits to the bone, heart and brain. T therapy has gone up 12X worldwide since 2000
Progesterone receptors are plentiful on the lungs. This is why pneumonia is more difficult as we age. They used progesterone on men and women during Covid to help calm the lungs and heal.
Traditional teaching says T causes prostate cancer. This is false. T is not the bad guy. Not one article that substantiates it unless using oral T.
12-14 different estrogen receptors
Estrogen receptor beta (Siberian rhubarb) is anti inflammatory, anti anxiety, -milk thistle, soy isoflavons, parsley and celery (apaginin)
Estrone signals alpha receptors, Low T & higher Estrone have breast cancer pattern.
DHEA protects estrogen to signal equally to alpha and beta.
Alpha estrogen receptor is growth and beta is controlled growth w unappreciated role in the gut. Their presence and balance within many tissues overseas health in those tissues or susceptibility to disease.
Joint issues with lack of hormones. Tomaxafin can cause this.
FSH below 20 ideal for estrogen and T
Blood and saliva and urine made distally for T. If they get acne then too much for women. T is made peripherally so not easy to track in women. Bio available testosterone in women is unmeasurable and not reflected in serum T levels
T can enhance insulin sensitivity.
RBCs. Patients sign a consent informing them that T therapy can cause red blood counts and that high blood counts have been associated with blood clots.
Melatonin. Natural aromatase inhibitor, anti cancer agent even in mcg amounts. If u give T, give melatonin. All patients w breast cancer have a melatonin production issue
Melatonin: Suppresses aromatase genes. Oncostatic. Melatonin intensifies radiation induced anti-aromatase affects and counteracts the unwanted disadvantages of chemotherapeutic agents
Melatonin: Neuro Endocrine roles, endogenous nighttime anti-cancer signal for prevention. To keep highly dividing and proliferating cells more normal. To also treat excessive estrogen and insulin
Melatonin tamps down estrogen so that if you give too much to a premenopausal woman you can stop menstruation
Melatonin blocks glucose from going to cancer cells. PubMed has 3049 results of Melatonin/Cancer
20mg is her favorite dose melatonin for cancer. Can be 40mg to get sleep effect
Chemo Brain. Brandon Brock DC in Texas
What do you do between chemo sessions to help the brain
Brain inflammation can be toxins, heavy metals, mold, medications, your thoughts
ROS- chemo makes high oxidative stress without anything to recycle it. Glutathione helps recycle. ROS summery: Standard antioxidant infusion followed by oral antioxidant. Glutathione infusion followed by oral cordyceps and Vinpocitine. NAD infusion followed by nicotinamide riboside
Vinpocitine helps keep blood flow in the brain and gives brain cells ability to sustain damage, reductase are lowered by cordyceps mushroom and NAD. And allows for protection from the chemo damaging cells. NAD helps glutathione work better.
Huperzine and n-acetyl l-carnitine. Alpha GPC (choline source), NAC
Chemo uses up glutathione and messes up NAD, use glutathione, cordyceps, NAD, vinpositine.
From NFkB (inflammation) to control (NRF2)- to raise NRF2 consider turmeric, EGCG, sulforaphane, rutin, Baicalin (skullcap), Apigenin in from chamomile, luteolin from chrysanthemum.
If glutathione goes down, chemo gives you dead cells (DAMPS). Happens w head injury too, protect your immune system so u don’t develop autoimmunity to your own brain cells from leaky brain.
He gives cordyceps everyday during chemo and oral glutathione. You need a reductase at the same time which is what cordyceps does.
NRF2 stops NFkappa B which prevents autoimmunity and Neuro inflammation Sulforaphane, EGCG, curcumin raise nRF2
If we don’t stop NFkappa B the inside of the cell it gets busted and triggers microglial cells (macrophage of the brain) w head injury within 10-14 days if you get another head injury they will be activated for 3 months. Chemo acts like a head injury. It sets up for autoimmune to the brain
Stress management: Vagal stimulation. Singing. Meditation, lasers can do it.
Turmeric not bound to black pepper (he does not like it). It can bind to albumin which can cause autoimmune. He likes the one w fenugreek like ours and in their own oils.
Luteolin, Rutin, sulforophane, chamomile help prevent the brain from breaking down
Answer to calcium influx in the brain is take more magnesium. Brain fog is Neuro inflammation. Magnesium is the bouncer protecting the door of calcium influx allowing for Neuro plasticity. Prioritize Mag first for brain health.
He uses Mag malate or Mag threonate or Mag Glycinate, no MSG, no artificial sweeteners, careful of calcium, careful of excitotoxins
Get ride of msg, no artificial sweeteners, careful of calcium, careful of food additives
ATP starts to shut down at 1% per year at age of 32
Radiation people get vinpocetin, cordyceps and glutathione
Cyrex lab test lymphocyte test
Cortisol triggers IL6 and storm of cytokines, activates microglial cells
LPS (little pieces of Shit) can cause brain inflammation. Gut brain link
You can treat chemo brain just by treating the gut
BBB summary. Exercise, appropriate B vitamin usage, lipid control, reduce trauma, gut lining health, essential fatty acid balance, reduce infections and environmental infestation‘s
Cognitive recovery summary. Laser therapy, PK-based therapy infusions, increase BDNF, acetyl l-carnitine, Bacopa, green phosphatidylserine, ginkgo
Kent Holtorf MD. Immunosencense, Tcell exhaustion
Peptides, ozone and T3 are what he uses a lot of
TH1 inside the cell, th2 outside the cell.
US has the highest incidence of cancer.
Stress modulates your immunity to raise TH17
Loves thymic peptides and pineal peptide
Immunosenescense and longevity. Senescent cells is what you are trying to clean up. Chronic infection creates a lot of them.
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