Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What we ask of you

Wendy Chappell, ICIM Executive Director, wendy@icimed.com
With a budget of under $70,000 per year and a staff of 3
part timers, it seems like ICIM has a limited role to play.
However, ICIM is no less than what we mean to each of
you. We are an organization because we can do more
good together than apart.
ICIM people are hungry for real science and cutting
edge research.
If you find a study that you feel is significant to the field
of integrative medicine, let us know! We want to spread
the word about anything new and promising as soon as
it comes out.
ICIM members are experts on a variety of topics.
We need volunteers to do the occasional Google search
and Conventional Medicine Media scan. If you find a
flawed report we can address with an expert, let us
know! We’ll have a statement ready within a day. If you
see something on Wikipedia or on a blog where we can
give an alternative perspective, let us know! We’ll be
there with a comment or addition.
ICIM is a circle of compassionate people who care
about each other.
Are you willing to give a call, card or email of
encouragement when our members face challenges in
their lives or careers? Let me know and I’ll call on you
when I hear of someone facing a crisis.
ICIM is personal.
We don’t rely on junk mail or spam. We keep our
mailing lists small and high quality. Are you willing to
call or email a few people personally to remind them of
membership dues or invite them to a meeting? It would
mean the world to us. Please let me know if you can do
5-10 calls or emails and I’ll send you information on
how you can help.
ICIM honors our past
Do you have memories of the early days of ICIM? We
want to gather those together and get them organized.
Who was involved? How did it happen? What were
successes and challenges throughout the year? Tell us
your stories through writing or being interviewed and
we’ll keep them for the future. We’ll send someone to
you if you have a story tell.
With the help of volunteers ICIM can do more. ICIM
has a hugely important role to play. If you are willing to
spend an hour or two volunteering for ICIM, we would
like to say thank you by giving you free space on Jeff
Sternberg’s focus pages, helping you come up where
you want to be on search engines.

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