Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Corporate Sponsors

There is something special about ICIM. We’re small. We can’t impress companies with large numbers of members, but what we offer is quality. Our physicians are a group of the most dedicated healthcare providers in the field, most with large wide reaching practices. Many of our members have been practicing for over 30 years, yet we also have a new and growing group of doctors just starting out their careers, hungry for high level scientific information and mentorship
ICIM has one purpose. We started as a study group of dedicated scientists in the Great Lakes Region and that is still our purpose today. We want to learn. And teach. And make sure that when our attendees leave the meeting they are armed with material they can put into practice immediately.
That simple mission affects the way we do business. Rather than depending on our CME conferences to provide income for our operating expenses we choose to pour all of our profits directly back into the conference experience, making our meetings exceptional. Our office and administration budgets are scaled back to let every resource be used to that end.
This money comes from our membership. And from our Corporate Sponsors. Since the beginning, corporate partners have played a helping role in the foundations of ICIM. 

Memories of a Doctor’s Daughter

I was six years old when I attended the first medical meeting that I remember.  It was held at the Great Shawnee Lodge in Southern Ohio.  My mother had made sure we were “cleaned up” from our daily life on the farm, and she made all four of us (ages 1-6) matching 70’s outfits for the occasion.  My dad Terry Chappell was a traveling doctor at the time serving three of the poorest counties in Ohio with a motor home full of food, blankets, and medical supplies.  It was during those years that he started exploring integrative in earnest, prescribing vitamin C and teaching self-hypnosis as an alternative to expensive pain medications.

Attending this meeting in a fancy hotel was a much anticipated treat for all of us.  I remember walking through the aisles of exhibit books wide-eyed, fascinated by the colorful ads, the inviting pile of pens or candy, and the well dressed drug reps eager for visitors.  There was excitement in the air, a sense of expectation and new thoughts.  Something I now call “learning.”

When a child is asked the question, “what do you want to do when you grow up?”  they don’t think to say, “I want to be an exhibitor” or “I want to sit behind a registration desk.”  Yet as we approach another meeting in October, I realize again how proud I am to be part of the excitement and progressive education that an ICIM conference entails.  I anticipate greeting each member of the ICIM community in Pittsburgh, our attendees, corporate sponsors, exhibitors, and long time friends.  Welcome to our family of learning.

Wendy Chappell—Executive Director

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